Paul said to the Romans, “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed” (Rom. 8:19). If you listen closely, you can almost hear the strain from exertion. The longing is so great that his words are about to burst at the seams. The whole world waits in eager anticipation for the revelation that can only come through the exploits of the Father’s children. We are confounded by how the Lord values our contribution. Let me clarify Paul’s message one more time: God’s creation waits in eager expectation. The whole earth groans in pain. The whole of mankind eagerly waits for deliverance.

In anticipation of a forthcoming query, the apostle wrote down the logic behind his statement. He said, “Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay, and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21). As if on cue, the eyes of our understanding begin to open. All of a sudden we see why there is a cry that echoes from the bowels of the earth. Creation longs to be restored to its former state! And there is only one way to satisfy that deep-seated long- ing of all living things: through the intervention of Father’s children. As we imitate Christ, we will show the way (see 1 Cor. 11:1).

It is God’s will to heal and liberate mankind. Just as creation was subjected to the curse through the fall of man, its redemption and total restoration are realized with the manifestation of the glory of the sons of God. It is the Father’s will to restore order and fruitfulness to this planet. If we are children of God, we need to participate in this kingdom mandate.

This mission is framed through the Lord’s decree, “You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession” (Ps. 2:7-8). By revelation, David spoke of the depths of Father God’s heart, that is, the nations are the Father’s inheritance to His beloved Son, Jesus. As co-heirs with Christ, the nations are our inheritance and the ends of the earth our possession as well.

This global mission of inheriting the nations can only be accomplished through the love of the Father. This loving mission is manifested in affection and working relationship where children learn to serve their Papa God in love. Jesus Christ laid down the blueprint for this master plan. We know that the Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the Lord’s coming. Therefore, it is the Son of God who will fulfill this particular prophecy.

But take heed! Christ is in us. Since He is in us, then we also partake of the same inheritance. Our inheritance is not merely limited to future events in the divine realms. Our inheritance is not merely limited to heavenly mansions. We can live thankful that someday we will inherit a jeweled city with pearly gates. However, a major part of our inheritance is far better than streets paved with gold. It is more precious than walls encrusted with rubies and diamonds.

If you are a child of God, you are destined to inherit nations. Christ is in you! Thus, these words form part of your reality and commission. It may all seem like mission impossible at first glance, but take heart; the risen Lord that is in you is greater than the devil that roams the earth. Everything is possible through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Leif Hetland